The Significance of
'The Field Lies Open to Talent’

‘The Field Lies Open to Talent’ is our philosophy at Beckett Legal. It underpins everything we do and defines what motivates us as a business. As a candidate driven company our objective is to deliver an unrivalled service that gives individuals the chance to realise their potential.

Our specific candidate service, Beckett Complete, encompasses everything we do from initial call, through to monthly job updates and salary surveys, and continues long after we have helped candidates find a new position. We know that for exceptional talent there are various career enhancing opportunities available however, these are not necessarily advertised positions. As a result we have developed our solution, ‘Discreet Opportunity Identification’ to enable us to source as many positions as possible for the candidate. This exemplifies our dedication to candidates and their needs.

We have the time and resources to assist individuals who are open minded to new opportunities but are not actively looking to move. We appreciate it is an extremely tentative time for the candidate and through our developed contacts we identify openings tailored to their situation - strictly on a confidential basis. As a result we have a definitive list of active and speculative vacancies at firms considering a candidate of that description. This gives the candidate full control over the process and an opportunity to decide whether to remain at their current firm or move onto the next stage. Either way the process is fully informed giving them complete confidence in their final decision.

Our approach ensures our candidates maintain control of the process throughout. This allows them the time to consider options carefully and with our regular and proactive assistance in their career and talent development, they have the means by which to achieve their goals.